

Supporting the Abused

If you get a call……
Thank God, because somebody in desperate life circumstances trusts you.
Before a victim discloses,   she (or he)  will have survived    MANY incidents of violence,   and tried   MANY    ways to avoid the violence.


VIOLENCE ESCALATES  as part of a pattern of power and control.  The risk for the victim increases once the abuse has been disclosed.

As a friend, caregiver, or other type of support, you will want to be prepared before you receive a disclosure by learning the local resources.

Talk to the people at the Shelter house.  Find out what the Crisis Line does.

We’ll be there.
You can make a difference!

Ending domestic violence can be a hard struggle for victims who have been rendered powerless and afraid in their own home, but you can make a difference!  Your support and concern can give a victim the strength to say “NO!!” forever to a life of violence and fear.

To show you are supportive:

  • Listen – Victims need to feel they can speak of their experience without fear of being judged, rejected, or betrayed
  • Believe – Domestic violence occurs within every social strata and within every race, and it is very serious.
  • Assure – Assure the victim they are not to blame. They do not deserve to be beaten, nor did they cause the violence.
  • Support – Encourage them to see that they still have choices and support them in the choices they make.